Zebra Mussel Update 7-19-23

On July 14, 2023, a public meeting was held for the purpose of informing the Beaver Lake property owners about the zebra mussels that are now in Beaver Lake. Kris Stahr of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission was the guest speaker who gave an hour-long presentation concerning the zebra mussels. Attached you will find a brief slide show and the audio from the presentation. After listening to the audio, if you have questions, please contact Kris Stahr, Russ Parmer (Board President), or Troy Weatherby (Managing Director) and we will help you the best we can.


For the Audio, go to About BLA > Document Library > Protect Our Water (all the way at the bottom) > Zebra Mussel Meeting July 2023 – Then preview or download the MP4 audio